Common Prayer is a daily habit. It is an ancient liturgical tradition that grounds the individual and prepares their heart by focusing on Christ.
Saint Augustine of Hippo famously said “You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it rests in you.” We have created this website and podcast to be a place where busy individuals can find rest in God. A place where for a few moments, usually 15-20 minutes a day, you can meditate on God’s Word through guided prayer and scripture reading. Let us recapture the tradition, using modern technology, and allow our hearts to find rest in our maker.
Why use a Book of Common Prayer?
The Book of Common Prayer was created to be a ceremonial guide for individuals and churches. On its pages are formularies for how to pray, what to pray, and what to read throughout the year.
The BCP has become a contextual document, molding and shaping to the needs of the people it serves while still staying rooted in ancient liturgical practices.
We’ve chosen to utilize both the 1928 and the 1979 Books of Common Prayer as the foundation for this podcast. We follow the structure and order of readings found in the 1928 Book of Common Prayer, but utilize the modern language found in the 1979. The hope is that our liturgy is unifying and historic. Our goal is not to follow the Daily Office verbatim, but rather to follow in the spirit of the Book of Common Prayer’s original composer Thomas Cranmer. It was Cranmer’s desire to make the ancient and sacred accessible, while beautifully presenting the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our aim is to follow his lead into the 21st century, creating and adapting liturgies for the Global Church in this new techno-driven world. We hope that the resources found on these pages will help deepen your spiritual walk with Jesus.
What We Believe
We believe that The Holy Bible is the Word of God, and is sufficient for salvation and all essential matters of faith and morals.
We believe The Nicene Creed, Apostles’ Creed, and Athanasian Creed are the historical summaries of the biblical “Rule of Faith.”
We believe the Sacraments of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper as instituted by Christ, and generally necessary for all Christians.
We believe in the historic episcopacy, locally adapted.
We uphold and subscribe to the traditional Anglican Formularies because we believe they are in conformity to Scripture:
The Book of Common Prayer locally adapted in conformity to the standards set by the 1662 edition.
The 39 Articles of Religion, locally adapted in conformity to the standards set in 1563.
The Ordinal, locally adapted in conformity to the standards set in 1549.
About Fr Michael+ W Livingston
Hi, I’m Michael Livingston the voice behind Common Prayer Daily. I am a Priest in the Anglican Tradition and a member of the Diocese of the Restoration in the Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches (CEEC).
I am a graduate of Saint Paul’s House of Formation and hold a BA from Full Sail University in Film & Media. I work in Greenville, SC for as the Digital Storyteller at Miracle Hill Ministries. My heart is for everyone to experience deep spiritual change through common daily practices. I work with churches, pastors, and individuals to form spiritual rhythms to deepen their faith. Common Prayer Daily exists as a launching pad to a deeper more historic faith.
When I’m not recording or working I enjoy sabbath hikes with my family (My wife Sydney and our four children Indiana, Sebastian, Sarah Grace, and Phoebe).
I pray that this Podcast helps enrich your prayer life and brings you closer to our Lord Jesus Christ.
Grace and Peace to you,
Fr Michael+ W. Livingston
Contact us.
For interviews or to set up a conversation regarding spiritual practices and direction email Rev. Michael+ at: