Common Prayer Daily in 2025

Greetings Listeners & Patrons,

Grace and Peace to You! I pray that you are having a blessed Advent.

I’m writing today to tell you about a rather large change in the availability of Common Prayer Daily. After 4+ years of providing Common Prayer Daily as a free podcast, I’ve decided that it would be best to move Common Prayer Daily completely to Patreon.


Starting Epiphany (January 6th, 2025) Common Prayer Daily will only be available to those who subscribe to our Patreon Page. You might’ve noticed my subtle underlining of Daily when mentioning the podcast's name. Yes, the daily version of this podcast will only be available to those who subscribe to a plan of $5 a month or more on Patreon, but we will continue to post 3x a week (Monday, Wednesday & Friday) for those who need a free option. Also, the four years of prior material will be freely available to anyone.

This is something that I have been praying about for at least a year. In these four years, I’ve fought off many attempts to monetize Common Prayer Daily via advertising. It always felt wrong to run an ad before a podcast whose intent was to lead you into prayer. Thankfully many people have supported the podcast throughout the last few years via Patreon, even while receiving little benefits. That support was immensely helpful to my family and me over the years as we served as domestic missionaries. When reading through many surveys I realized that most of the Patrons were simply people who loved the podcast and wanted to support its creation. This warmed my soul! Yet, I wanted to find a way to give those same people the best thing I possibly could. That’s when I realized that CPD is the best thing we do, and everything else is icing on the cake.


I’m happy to announce that those who are on Patreon will get the best season yet! Starting Jan 6th, we will bring fullness to the Daily Office by adding a Gospel Lesson as well as our standard OT and NT lessons. This will make CPD a one-stop-shop for Daily Office Readings. Another perk will be a weekly Anglican Rosary prayer that is created specifically for CPD subscribers. These prayers will be rooted in the Church’s Liturgical Calendar, the Collects, and the Scriptures.

Those who opt for a $10 or a $20 a month plan will also be treated to some fantastic bonuses (check the membership page to find out more). You will gain access to a Common Community A Prayer & Liturgy Chat as well as Common Book Club (an ongoing chat where we will work our way through Christian Classics). My hope is that Common Prayer Daily will be the entryway into a deeper community platform of Prayer, Meditation, and Discussion.


Here in a few weeks, I will begin to upload episodes to Patreon. If you are already a subscriber I encourage you to use the Patreon App (It works fantastically). If you prefer to use Spotify or another Podcast Player of your choice there are very simple ways to link it to your preferred Podcast Player. If you have any questions or confusion as these changes occur please feel free to message me here and I will help you get set up.


Let me just say that I am looking forward to this move. After praying extensively and pouring over the analytic data, I feel confident that this will be the best way to serve you as listeners. My family and I will be moving here in a week, back to the East Coast where I will be working as a Pastor at a small Parish. Please keep us in your Prayers as we pack and plan for the future. I cannot begin to thank you enough for your listenership, prayers, and support over these years. You all have been a blessing and I look forward to serving you more and more as time unfolds.

May the peace of God, which passes all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God, and of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord; and the blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, be among you, and remain with you always. Amen.


Fr. Michael +

Second Sunday of Advent 2024